Nominations & Membership

ELSO Nominations & Membership Committee


The ELSO Nominations & Membership Committee seeks to connect ELSO with the members of the global ECMO community.

The ELSO Nominations & Membership Committee seeks to achieve this purpose via three main routes:

  1. Recruit new individual and center members to ELSO
  2. Connect ELSO members with ELSO projects and leadership roles
  3. Facilitate the nominations and election process for ELSO leadership
  4. Shepherd Fellowship of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (FELSO) induction


The committee is comprised of voluntary members who represent the breadth of professions and specialty groups who comprise the global ECMO team.

General Responsibilities: All committee members will aid to progress committee goals by:

  • Facilitating diversity, equity and inclusion in ELSO membership and leadership.
  • Actively advancing current and prospective committee projects.
  • Identifying any potential opportunities to improve new member recruitment.
  • Serving as a representative of ELSO and liaison for new members.
  • Participating in regular phone conferences and timely communication with committee members.
  • Assisting in marketing committee initiatives to individual ELSO members and member centers

Chair: Jenelle Badulak MD

Members: Giles Peek MD, Joanne Starr MD, Pablo Sanchez MD PhD, Mela Bembea MD PhD MPH, Erin August RN, Alex Garcia MD

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