ECMO | Extracorporeal Life Support

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for ELSO Registry Data Entry

Here’s a comprehensive list of ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These codes come in handy when entering data into the ELSO Registry. If you are looking for specific cardiac or respiratory codes, then view lists of Common Cardiac ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes and Common Respiratory ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes .

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(Any valid ICD-10 code can be used)
ICD-10 Code   Description  
98001. Z63.1 Problems in relationship with in-laws
98002. Z63.3 Absence of family member
98003. Z63.31 Absence of family member due to military deployment
98004. Z63.32 Other absence of family member
98005. Z63.4 Disappearance and death of family member
98006. Z63.5 Disruption of family by separation and divorce
98007. Z63.6 Dependent relative needing care at home
98008. Z63.7 Other stressful life events affecting family and household
98009. Z63.71 Stress on fam d/t return of family member from miltry deploy
98010. Z63.72 Alcoholism and drug addiction in family
98011. Z63.79 Other stressful life events affecting family and household
98012. Z63.8 Other specified problems related to primary support group
98013. Z63.9 Problem related to primary support group, unspecified
98014. Z64 Problems related to certain psychosocial circumstances
98015. Z64.0 Problems related to unwanted pregnancy
98016. Z64.1 Problems related to multiparity
98017. Z64.4 Discord with counselors
98018. Z65 Problems related to other psychosocial circumstances
98019. Z65.0 Conviction in civil & criminal proceedings w/o imprisonment
98020. Z65.1 Imprisonment and other incarceration
98021. Z65.2 Problems related to release from prison
98022. Z65.3 Problems related to other legal circumstances
98023. Z65.4 Victim of crime and terrorism
98024. Z65.5 Exposure to disaster, war and other hostilities
98025. Z65.8 Oth problems related to psychosocial circumstances
98026. Z65.9 Problem related to unspecified psychosocial circumstances
98027. Z66 Do not resuscitate
98028. Z67 Blood type
98029. Z67.1 Type A blood
98030. Z67.10 Type A blood, Rh positive
98031. Z67.11 Type A blood, Rh negative
98032. Z67.2 Type B blood
98033. Z67.20 Type B blood, Rh positive
98034. Z67.21 Type B blood, Rh negative
98035. Z67.3 Type AB blood
98036. Z67.30 Type AB blood, Rh positive
98037. Z67.31 Type AB blood, Rh negative
98038. Z67.4 Type O blood
98039. Z67.40 Type O blood, Rh positive
98040. Z67.41 Type O blood, Rh negative
98041. Z67.9 Unspecified blood type
98042. Z67.90 Unspecified blood type, Rh positive
98043. Z67.91 Unspecified blood type, Rh negative
98044. Z68 Body mass index [BMI]
98045. Z68.1 Body mass index (BMI) 19 or less, adult
98046. Z68.2 Body mass index (BMI) 20-29, adult
98047. Z68.20 Body mass index (BMI) 20.0-20.9, adult
98048. Z68.21 Body mass index (BMI) 21.0-21.9, adult
98049. Z68.22 Body mass index (BMI) 22.0-22.9, adult
98050. Z68.23 Body mass index (BMI) 23.0-23.9, adult
98051. Z68.24 Body mass index (BMI) 24.0-24.9, adult
98052. Z68.25 Body mass index (BMI) 25.0-25.9, adult
98053. Z68.26 Body mass index (BMI) 26.0-26.9, adult
98054. Z68.27 Body mass index (BMI) 27.0-27.9, adult
98055. Z68.28 Body mass index (BMI) 28.0-28.9, adult
98056. Z68.29 Body mass index (BMI) 29.0-29.9, adult
98057. Z68.3 Body mass index (BMI) 30-39, adult
98058. Z68.30 Body mass index (BMI) 30.0-30.9, adult
98059. Z68.31 Body mass index (BMI) 31.0-31.9, adult
98060. Z68.32 Body mass index (BMI) 32.0-32.9, adult
98061. Z68.33 Body mass index (BMI) 33.0-33.9, adult
98062. Z68.34 Body mass index (BMI) 34.0-34.9, adult
98063. Z68.35 Body mass index (BMI) 35.0-35.9, adult
98064. Z68.36 Body mass index (BMI) 36.0-36.9, adult
98065. Z68.37 Body mass index (BMI) 37.0-37.9, adult
98066. Z68.38 Body mass index (BMI) 38.0-38.9, adult
98067. Z68.39 Body mass index (BMI) 39.0-39.9, adult
98068. Z68.4 Body mass index (BMI) 40 or greater, adult
98069. Z68.41 Body mass index (BMI) 40.0-44.9, adult
98070. Z68.42 Body mass index (BMI) 45.0-49.9, adult
98071. Z68.43 Body mass index (BMI) 50-59.9 , adult
98072. Z68.44 Body mass index (BMI) 60.0-69.9, adult
98073. Z68.45 Body mass index (BMI) 70 or greater, adult
98074. Z68.5 Body mass index (BMI) pediatric
98075. Z68.51 BMI pediatric, less than 5th percentile for age
98076. Z68.52 BMI pediatric, 5th percentile to less than 85% for age
98077. Z68.53 BMI pediatric, 85% to less than 95th percentile for age
98078. Z68.54 BMI pediatric, greater than or equal to 95% for age
98079. Z69 Encntr for mental health serv for victim and perp of abuse
98080. Z69.0 Encntr for mental health services for child abuse problems
98081. Z69.01 Encntr for mental health services for parental child abuse
98082. Z69.010 Encntr for mental hlth serv for victim of prntl child abuse
98083. Z69.011 Encntr for mental health serv for perp of prntl child abuse
98084. Z69.02 Encntr for mental health services for non-prntl child abuse
98085. Z69.020 Encntr for mntl hlth serv for vctm of non-prntl child abuse
98086. Z69.021 Encntr for mntl hlth serv for perp of non-prntl child abuse
98087. Z69.1 Encntr for mental health serv for spous or prtnr abuse prob
98088. Z69.11 Encntr for mntl hlth serv for victim of spous or prtnr abuse
98089. Z69.12 Encntr for mental hlth serv for perp of spous or prtnr abuse
98090. Z69.8 Encntr for mental health serv for victim or perp of abuse
98091. Z69.81 Encounter for mental health services for victim of oth abuse
98092. Z69.82 Encounter for mental health services for perp of abuse
98093. Z70 Counseling related to sexual attitude, behavior and orientn
98094. Z70.0 Counseling related to sexual attitude
98095. Z70.1 Counseling related to patient's sexual behavior and orientn
98096. Z70.2 Cnsl related to sexual behavior and orientn of third party
98097. Z70.3 Cnsl rel to comb concrn rgrd sex attitude, behav and orientn
98098. Z70.8 Other sex counseling
98099. Z70.9 Sex counseling, unspecified
98100. Z71 Persons encntr health serv for oth cnsl and med advice, NEC
98101. Z71.0 Prsn encntr hlth serv to consult on behalf of another person
98102. Z71.1 Person w feared hlth complaint in whom no diagnosis is made
98103. Z71.2 Person consulting for explanation of exam or test findings
98104. Z71.3 Dietary counseling and surveillance
98105. Z71.4 Alcohol abuse counseling and surveillance
98106. Z71.41 Alcohol abuse counseling and surveillance of alcoholic
98107. Z71.42 Counseling for family member of alcoholic
98108. Z71.5 Drug abuse counseling and surveillance
98109. Z71.51 Drug abuse counseling and surveillance of drug abuser
98110. Z71.52 Counseling for family member of drug abuser
98111. Z71.6 Tobacco abuse counseling
98112. Z71.7 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] counseling
98113. Z71.8 Other specified counseling
98114. Z71.81 Spiritual or religious counseling
98115. Z71.82 Exercise counseling
98116. Z71.83 Encounter for nonprocreative genetic counseling
98117. Z71.84 Encounter for health counseling related to travel
98118. Z71.85 Encounter for immunization safety counseling
98119. Z71.89 Other specified counseling
98120. Z71.9 Counseling, unspecified
98121. Z72 Problems related to lifestyle
98122. Z72.0 Tobacco use
98123. Z72.3 Lack of physical exercise
98124. Z72.4 Inappropriate diet and eating habits
98125. Z72.5 High risk sexual behavior
98126. Z72.51 High risk heterosexual behavior
98127. Z72.52 High risk homosexual behavior
98128. Z72.53 High risk bisexual behavior
98129. Z72.6 Gambling and betting
98130. Z72.8 Other problems related to lifestyle
98131. Z72.81 Antisocial behavior
98132. Z72.810 Child and adolescent antisocial behavior
98133. Z72.811 Adult antisocial behavior
98134. Z72.82 Problems related to sleep
98135. Z72.820 Sleep deprivation
98136. Z72.821 Inadequate sleep hygiene
98137. Z72.89 Other problems related to lifestyle
98138. Z72.9 Problem related to lifestyle, unspecified
98139. Z73 Problems related to life management difficulty
98140. Z73.0 Burn-out
98141. Z73.1 Type A behavior pattern
98142. Z73.2 Lack of relaxation and leisure
98143. Z73.3 Stress, not elsewhere classified
98144. Z73.4 Inadequate social skills, not elsewhere classified
98145. Z73.5 Social role conflict, not elsewhere classified
98146. Z73.6 Limitation of activities due to disability
98147. Z73.8 Other problems related to life management difficulty
98148. Z73.81 Behavioral insomnia of childhood
98149. Z73.810 Behavioral insomnia of childhood, sleep-onset assoc type
98150. Z73.811 Behavioral insomnia of childhood, limit setting type
98151. Z73.812 Behavioral insomnia of childhood, combined type
98152. Z73.819 Behavioral insomnia of childhood, unspecified type
98153. Z73.82 Dual sensory impairment
98154. Z73.89 Other problems related to life management difficulty
98155. Z73.9 Problem related to life management difficulty, unspecified
98156. Z74 Problems related to care provider dependency
98157. Z74.0 Reduced mobility
98158. Z74.01 Bed confinement status
98159. Z74.09 Other reduced mobility
98160. Z74.1 Need for assistance with personal care
98161. Z74.2 Need for assist at home & no house memb able to render care
98162. Z74.3 Need for continuous supervision
98163. Z74.8 Other problems related to care provider dependency
98164. Z74.9 Problem related to care provider dependency, unspecified
98165. Z75 Problems related to medical facilities and other health care
98166. Z75.0 Medical services not available in home
98167. Z75.1 Person awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere
98168. Z75.2 Other waiting period for investigation and treatment
98169. Z75.3 Unavailability and inaccessibility of health-care facilities
98170. Z75.4 Unavailability and inaccessibility of other helping agencies
98171. Z75.5 Holiday relief care
98172. Z75.8 Oth prob related to medical facilities and oth health care
98173. Z75.9 Unsp problem related to med facilities and oth health care
98174. Z76 Persons encountering health services in other circumstances
98175. Z76.0 Encounter for issue of repeat prescription
98176. Z76.1 Encounter for health supervision and care of foundling
98177. Z76.2 Encntr for hlth suprvsn and care of healthy infant and child
98178. Z76.3 Healthy person accompanying sick person
98179. Z76.4 Other boarder to healthcare facility
98180. Z76.5 Malingerer [conscious simulation]
98181. Z76.8 Persons encountering health services in oth circumstances
98182. Z76.81 Expectant parent(s) prebirth pediatrician visit
98183. Z76.82 Awaiting organ transplant status
98184. Z76.89 Persons encountering health services in oth circumstances
98185. Z77 Oth contact w and (suspected) exposures hazardous to health
98186. Z77.0 Contact w and exposure to hazard, chiefly nonmed, chemicals
98187. Z77.01 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to hazardous metals
98188. Z77.010 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to arsenic
98189. Z77.011 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to lead
98190. Z77.012 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to uranium
98191. Z77.018 Contact w and (suspected) exposure to oth hazardous metals
98192. Z77.02 Contact w and exposure to hazardous aromatic compounds
98193. Z77.020 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to aromatic amines
98194. Z77.021 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to benzene
98195. Z77.028 Contact w and exposure to oth hazardous aromatic compounds
98196. Z77.09 Contact w and expsr to oth hazard, chiefly nonmed, chemicals
98197. Z77.090 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to asbestos
98198. Z77.098 Contact w and expsr to oth hazard, chiefly nonmed, chemicals
98199. Z77.1 Contact w and exposure pollutn & hazrd in phys envr
98200. Z77.11 Contact w and (suspected) exposure to environ pollution
98201. Z77.110 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to air pollution
98202. Z77.111 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to water pollution
98203. Z77.112 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to soil pollution
98204. Z77.118 Contact w and (suspected) exposure to oth environ pollution
98205. Z77.12 Contact w and expsr to hazards in the physical environment
98206. Z77.120 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to mold (toxic)
98207. Z77.121 Contact w and exposure to harmful algae and algae toxins
98208. Z77.122 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to noise
98209. Z77.123 Cntct w & expsr to radon & oth naturally occuring radiation
98210. Z77.128 Contact w and expsr to oth hazards in the physcl environment
98211. Z77.2 Contact w and (suspected ) exposure to oth hazardous substnc
98212. Z77.21 Contact w and exposure to potentially hazardous body fluids
98213. Z77.22 Cntct w and expsr to environ tobacco smoke (acute) (chronic)
98214. Z77.29 Contact w and (suspected ) exposure to oth hazardous substnc
98215. Z77.9 Oth contact w and (suspected) exposures hazardous to health
98216. Z78 Other specified health status
98217. Z78.0 Asymptomatic menopausal state
98218. Z78.1 Physical restraint status
98219. Z78.9 Other specified health status
98220. Z79 Long term (current) drug therapy
98221. Z79.0 Long term (current) use of antocoag/antithrom/angiplate
98222. Z79.01 Long term (current) use of anticoagulants
98223. Z79.02 Long term (current) use of antithrombotics/antiplatelets
98224. Z79.1 Long term (current) use of non-steroidal non-inflam (NSAID)
98225. Z79.2 Long term (current) use of antibiotics
98226. Z79.3 Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives
98227. Z79.4 Long term (current) use of insulin
98228. Z79.5 Long term (current) use of steroids
98229. Z79.51 Long term (current) use of inhaled steroids
98230. Z79.52 Long term (current) use of systemic steroids
98231. Z79.8 Other long term (current) drug therapy
98232. Z79.81 Lng trm (crnt) use of agnt aff estrog recpt & estrog levels
98233. Z79.810 Lng trm (crnt) use of slctv estrog receptor modulators
98234. Z79.811 Long term (current) use of aromatase inhibitors
98235. Z79.818 Lng trm (crnt) use of agnt aff estrog recpt & estrog levels
98236. Z79.82 Long term (current) use of aspirin
98237. Z79.83 Long term (current) use of bisphosphonates
98238. Z79.84 Long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs
98239. Z79.85 Long-term (current) use of injectable non-insulin antidiabetic drugs
98240. Z79.89 Other long term (current) drug therapy
98241. Z79.890 Hormone replacement therapy (postmenopausal)
98242. Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic
98243. Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy
98244. Z80 Family history of primary malignant neoplasm
98245. Z80.0 Family history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs
98246. Z80.1 Family history of malig neoplasm of trachea, bronc and lung
98247. Z80.2 Family hx of malig neoplm of resp and intrathorac organs
98248. Z80.3 Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast
98249. Z80.4 Family history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs
98250. Z80.41 Family history of malignant neoplasm of ovary
98251. Z80.42 Family history of malignant neoplasm of prostate
98252. Z80.43 Family history of malignant neoplasm of testis
98253. Z80.49 Family history of malignant neoplasm of other genital organs
98254. Z80.5 Family history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract
98255. Z80.51 Family history of malignant neoplasm of kidney
98256. Z80.52 Family history of malignant neoplasm of bladder
98257. Z80.59 Family history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract organ
98258. Z80.6 Family history of leukemia
98259. Z80.7 Fam hx of malig neoplm of lymphoid, hematpoetc and rel tiss
98260. Z80.8 Family history of malignant neoplasm of organs or systems
98261. Z80.9 Family history of malignant neoplasm, unspecified
98262. Z81 Family history of mental and behavioral disorders
98263. Z81.0 Family history of intellectual disabilities
98264. Z81.1 Family history of alcohol abuse and dependence
98265. Z81.2 Family history of tobacco abuse and dependence
98266. Z81.3 Family history of psychoactv substance abuse and dependence
98267. Z81.4 Family history of other substance abuse and dependence
98268. Z81.8 Family history of other mental and behavioral disorders
98269. Z82 Fam hx of certain disabil & chr dis (leading to disablement)
98270. Z82.0 Family history of epilepsy and oth dis of the nervous sys
98271. Z82.1 Family history of blindness and visual loss
98272. Z82.2 Family history of deafness and hearing loss
98273. Z82.3 Family history of stroke
98274. Z82.4 Family hx of ischem heart dis and oth dis of the circ sys
98275. Z82.41 Family history of sudden cardiac death
98276. Z82.49 Family hx of ischem heart dis and oth dis of the circ sys
98277. Z82.5 Family history of asthma and oth chronic lower resp diseases
98278. Z82.6 Family hx of arthrit and oth dis of the ms sys and conn tiss
98279. Z82.61 Family history of arthritis
98280. Z82.62 Family history of osteoporosis
98281. Z82.69 Family history of diseases of the ms sys and connective tiss
98282. Z82.7 Fam hx of congen malform, deformations and chromsoml abnlt
98283. Z82.71 Family history of polycystic kidney
98284. Z82.79 Fam hx of congen malform, deformations and chromsoml abnlt
98285. Z82.8 Family hx of disabil and chr dis leading to disablement, NEC
98286. Z83 Family history of other specific disorders
98287. Z83.0 Family history of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
98288. Z83.1 Family history of other infectious and parasitic diseases
98289. Z83.2 Family history of dis of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm
98290. Z83.3 Family history of diabetes mellitus
98291. Z83.4 Family history of endo, nutritional and metabolic diseases
98292. Z83.41 Family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome
98293. Z83.42 Family history of familial hypercholesterolemia
98294. Z83.430 Family history of elevated lipoprotein(a)
98295. Z83.438 Family history of other disorder of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidemia
98296. Z83.49 Family history of endo, nutritional and metabolic diseases
98297. Z83.5 Family history of eye and ear disorders
98298. Z83.51 Family history of eye disorders
98299. Z83.511 Family history of glaucoma
98300. Z83.518 Family history of other specified eye disorder
98301. Z83.52 Family history of ear disorders
98302. Z83.6 Family history of other diseases of the respiratory system
98303. Z83.7 Family history of diseases of the digestive system
98304. Z83.71 Family history of colonic polyps
98305. Z83.79 Family history of other diseases of the digestive system
98306. Z84 Family history of other conditions
98307. Z84.0 Family history of diseases of the skin, subcu
98308. Z84.1 Family history of disorders of kidney and ureter
98309. Z84.2 Family history of other diseases of the genitourinary system
98310. Z84.3 Family history of consanguinity
98311. Z84.8 Family history of other specified conditions
98312. Z84.81 Family history of carrier of genetic disease
98313. Z84.82 Family history of sudden infant death syndrome
98314. Z84.89 Family history of other specified conditions
98315. Z85 Personal history of malignant neoplasm
98316. Z85.0 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs
98317. Z85.00 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of unsp dgstv org
98318. Z85.01 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of esophagus
98319. Z85.02 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach
98320. Z85.020 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of stomach
98321. Z85.028 Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of stomach
98322. Z85.03 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine
98323. Z85.030 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of lg int
98324. Z85.038 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine
98325. Z85.04 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of rectum, rectosig junct, and anus
98326. Z85.040 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of rectum
98327. Z85.048 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of rectum, rectosig junct, and anus
98328. Z85.05 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver
98329. Z85.06 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of small intestine
98330. Z85.060 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of sm int
98331. Z85.068 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of small intestine
98332. Z85.07 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of pancreas
98333. Z85.09 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs
98334. Z85.1 Personal history of malig neoplm of trachea, bronc and lung
98335. Z85.11 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung
98336. Z85.110 Personal history of malig carcinoid tumor of bronc and lung
98337. Z85.118 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung
98338. Z85.12 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of trachea
98339. Z85.2 Prsnl history of malig neoplm of resp and intrathorac organs
98340. Z85.20 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of unsp resp organ
98341. Z85.21 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of larynx
98342. Z85.22 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of nasl cav, mid ear, & acces sinus
98343. Z85.23 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thymus
98344. Z85.230 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of thymus
98345. Z85.238 Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of thymus
98346. Z85.29 Prsnl history of malig neoplm of resp and intrathorac organs
98347. Z85.3 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast
98348. Z85.4 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs
98349. Z85.40 Prsnl history of malig neoplm of unsp female genital organ
98350. Z85.41 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
98351. Z85.42 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oth prt uterus
98352. Z85.43 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary
98353. Z85.44 Personal history of malig neoplasm of female genital organs
98354. Z85.45 Personal history of malig neoplm of unsp male genital organ
98355. Z85.46 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate
98356. Z85.47 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis
98357. Z85.48 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of epididymis
98358. Z85.49 Personal history of malig neoplasm of male genital organs
98359. Z85.5 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract
98360. Z85.50 Personal history of malig neoplm of unsp urinary tract organ
98361. Z85.51 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder
98362. Z85.52 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney
98363. Z85.520 Personal history of malignant carcinoid tumor of kidney
98364. Z85.528 Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of kidney
98365. Z85.53 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
98366. Z85.54 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ureter
98367. Z85.59 Personal history of malig neoplasm of urinary tract organ
98368. Z85.6 Personal history of leukemia
98369. Z85.7 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of lymphoid, hematpoetc & rel tiss
98370. Z85.71 Personal history of Hodgkin lymphoma
98371. Z85.72 Personal history of non-Hodgkin lymphomas
98372. Z85.79 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of lymphoid, hematpoetc & rel tiss
98373. Z85.8 Personal history of malig neoplasms of organs and systems
98374. Z85.81 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx
98375. Z85.810 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue
98376. Z85.818 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of site of lip, oral cav, & pharynx
98377. Z85.819 Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of unsp site lip,oral cav,& pharynx
98378. Z85.82 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin
98379. Z85.820 Personal history of malignant melanoma of skin
98380. Z85.821 Personal history of Merkel cell carcinoma
98381. Z85.828 Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of skin
98382. Z85.83 Personal history of malig neoplasm of bone and soft tissue
98383. Z85.830 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone
98384. Z85.831 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of soft tissue
98385. Z85.84 Personal history of malig neoplasm of eye and nervous tissue
98386. Z85.840 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of eye
98387. Z85.841 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain
98388. Z85.848 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prt nervous tissue
98389. Z85.85 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of endocrine glands
98390. Z85.850 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid
98391. Z85.858 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of endocrine glands
98392. Z85.89 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of organs and systems
98393. Z85.9 Personal history of malignant neoplasm, unspecified
98394. Z86 Personal history of certain other diseases
98395. Z86.0 Prsnl hx of in-situ and ben neoplm and neoplm of uncrt behav
98396. Z86.00 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm
98397. Z86.000 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of breast
98398. Z86.001 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of cervix uteri
98399. Z86.002 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other and unspecified genital organs
98400. Z86.003 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of oral cavity, esophagus and stomach
98401. Z86.004 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs
98402. Z86.005 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system
98403. Z86.006 Personal history of melanoma in-situ
98404. Z86.007 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of skin
98405. Z86.008 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other site
98406. Z86.01 Personal history of benign neoplasm
98407. Z86.010 Personal history of colonic polyps
98408. Z86.011 Personal history of benign neoplasm of the brain
98409. Z86.012 Personal history of benign carcinoid tumor
98410. Z86.018 Personal history of other benign neoplasm
98411. Z86.03 Personal history of neoplasm of uncertain behavior
98412. Z86.1 Personal history of infectious and parasitic diseases
98413. Z86.11 Personal history of tuberculosis
98414. Z86.12 Personal history of poliomyelitis
98415. Z86.13 Personal history of malaria
98416. Z86.14 Personal history of methicillin resis staph infection
98417. Z86.15 Personal history of latent tuberculosis infection
98418. Z86.16 Personal history of COVID-19
98419. Z86.19 Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases
98420. Z86.2 Prsnl history of dis of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm
98421. Z86.3 Personal history of endo, nutritional and metabolic diseases
98422. Z86.31 Personal history of diabetic foot ulcer
98423. Z86.32 Personal history of gestational diabetes
98424. Z86.39 Personal history of endo, nutritional and metabolic disease
98425. Z86.5 Personal history of mental and behavioral disorders
98426. Z86.51 Personal history of combat and operational stress reaction
98427. Z86.59 Personal history of other mental and behavioral disorders
98428. Z86.6 Personal history of dis of the nervous sys and sense organs
98429. Z86.61 Personal history of infections of the central nervous system
98430. Z86.69 Personal history of dis of the nervous sys and sense organs
98431. Z86.7 Personal history of diseases of the circulatory system
98432. Z86.71 Personal history of venous thrombosis and embolism
98433. Z86.711 Personal history of pulmonary embolism
98434. Z86.718 Personal history of other venous thrombosis and embolism
98435. Z86.72 Personal history of thrombophlebitis
98436. Z86.73 Prsnl hx of TIA (TIA), and cereb infrc w/o resid deficits
98437. Z86.74 Personal history of sudden cardiac arrest
98438. Z86.79 Personal history of other diseases of the circulatory system
98439. Z87 Personal history of other diseases and conditions
98440. Z87.0 Personal history of diseases of the respiratory system
98441. Z87.01 Personal history of pneumonia (recurrent)
98442. Z87.09 Personal history of other diseases of the respiratory system
98443. Z87.1 Personal history of diseases of the digestive system
98444. Z87.11 Personal history of peptic ulcer disease
98445. Z87.19 Personal history of other diseases of the digestive system
98446. Z87.2 Personal history of diseases of the skin, subcu
98447. Z87.3 Personal history of diseases of the ms sys and conn tiss
98448. Z87.31 Personal history of (healed) nontraumatic fracture
98449. Z87.310 Personal history of (healed) osteoporosis fracture
98450. Z87.311 Personal history of (healed) other pathological fracture
98451. Z87.312 Personal history of (healed) stress fracture
98452. Z87.39 Personal history of diseases of the ms sys and conn tiss
98453. Z87.4 Personal history of diseases of genitourinary system
98454. Z87.41 Personal history of dysplasia of the female genital tract
98455. Z87.410 Personal history of cervical dysplasia
98456. Z87.411 Personal history of vaginal dysplasia
98457. Z87.412 Personal history of vulvar dysplasia
98458. Z87.42 Personal history of oth diseases of the female genital tract
98459. Z87.43 Personal history of diseases of male genital organs
98460. Z87.430 Personal history of prostatic dysplasia
98461. Z87.438 Personal history of other diseases of male genital organs
98462. Z87.44 Personal history of diseases of urinary system
98463. Z87.440 Personal history of urinary (tract) infections
98464. Z87.441 Personal history of nephrotic syndrome
98465. Z87.442 Personal history of urinary calculi
98466. Z87.448 Personal history of other diseases of urinary system
98467. Z87.5 Personal history of comp of preg, chldbrth and the puerp
98468. Z87.51 Personal history of pre-term labor
98469. Z87.59 Personal history of comp of preg, chldbrth and the puerp
98470. Z87.68 Personal history of other (corrected) conditions arising in the perinatal period
98471. Z87.7 Personal history of (corrected) congenital malformations
98472. Z87.71 Personal history of (corrected) congenital malform of GU sys
98473. Z87.710 Personal history of (corrected) hypospadias
98474. Z87.718 Personal history of (corrected) congenital malform of GU sys
98475. Z87.72 Prsnl hx of congen malform of nervous sys and sense organs
98476. Z87.720 Personal history of (corrected) congenital malform of eye
98477. Z87.721 Personal history of (corrected) congenital malform of ear
98478. Z87.728 Prsnl hx of congen malform of nervous sys and sense organs
98479. Z87.73 Personal history of congenital malform of dgstv sys
98480. Z87.730 Personal history of (corrected) cleft lip and palate
98481. Z87.738 Personal history of congenital malform of dgstv sys
98482. Z87.74 Personal history of congenital malform of heart and circ sys
98483. Z87.75 Personal history of congenital malform of resp sys
98484. Z87.76 Prsnl hx of congen malform of integument, limbs and ms sys
98485. Z87.79 Personal history of oth (corrected) congenital malformations
98486. Z87.790 Personal history of congenital malform of face and neck
98487. Z87.798 Personal history of oth (corrected) congenital malformations
98488. Z87.8 Personal history of other specified conditions
98489. Z87.81 Personal history of (healed) traumatic fracture
98490. Z87.82 Personal history of oth (healed) physical injury and trauma
98491. Z87.820 Personal history of traumatic brain injury
98492. Z87.821 Personal history of retained foreign body fully removed
98493. Z87.828 Personal history of oth (healed) physical injury and trauma
98494. Z87.89 Personal history of other specified conditions
98495. Z87.890 Personal history of sex reassignment
98496. Z87.891 Personal history of nicotine dependence
98497. Z87.892 Personal history of anaphylaxis
98498. Z87.898 Personal history of other specified conditions
98499. Z88 Allergy status to drug/meds/biol subst
98500. Z88.0 Allergy status to penicillin
98501. Z88.1 Allergy status to other antibiotic agents status
98502. Z88.2 Allergy status to sulfonamides status
98503. Z88.3 Allergy status to other anti-infective agents status
98504. Z88.4 Allergy status to anesthetic agent status
98505. Z88.5 Allergy status to narcotic agent status
98506. Z88.6 Allergy status to analgesic agent status
98507. Z88.7 Allergy status to serum and vaccine status
98508. Z88.8 Allergy status to oth drug/meds/biol subst status
98509. Z88.9 Allergy status to unsp drug/meds/biol subst status
98510. Z89 Acquired absence of limb
98511. Z89.0 Acquired absence of thumb and other finger(s)
98512. Z89.01 Acquired absence of thumb
98513. Z89.011 Acquired absence of right thumb
98514. Z89.012 Acquired absence of left thumb
98515. Z89.019 Acquired absence of unspecified thumb
98516. Z89.02 Acquired absence of other finger(s)
98517. Z89.021 Acquired absence of right finger(s)
98518. Z89.022 Acquired absence of left finger(s)
98519. Z89.029 Acquired absence of unspecified finger(s)
98520. Z89.1 Acquired absence of hand and wrist
98521. Z89.11 Acquired absence of hand
98522. Z89.111 Acquired absence of right hand
98523. Z89.112 Acquired absence of left hand
98524. Z89.119 Acquired absence of unspecified hand
98525. Z89.12 Acquired absence of wrist
98526. Z89.121 Acquired absence of right wrist
98527. Z89.122 Acquired absence of left wrist
98528. Z89.129 Acquired absence of unspecified wrist
98529. Z89.2 Acquired absence of upper limb above wrist
98530. Z89.20 Acquired absence of upper limb, unspecified level
98531. Z89.201 Acquired absence of right upper limb, unspecified level
98532. Z89.202 Acquired absence of left upper limb, unspecified level
98533. Z89.209 Acquired absence of unsp upper limb, unspecified level
98534. Z89.21 Acquired absence of upper limb below elbow
98535. Z89.211 Acquired absence of right upper limb below elbow
98536. Z89.212 Acquired absence of left upper limb below elbow
98537. Z89.219 Acquired absence of unspecified upper limb below elbow
98538. Z89.22 Acquired absence of upper limb above elbow
98539. Z89.221 Acquired absence of right upper limb above elbow
98540. Z89.222 Acquired absence of left upper limb above elbow
98541. Z89.229 Acquired absence of unspecified upper limb above elbow
98542. Z89.23 Acquired absence of shoulder
98543. Z89.231 Acquired absence of right shoulder
98544. Z89.232 Acquired absence of left shoulder
98545. Z89.239 Acquired absence of unspecified shoulder
98546. Z89.4 Acquired absence of toe(s), foot, and ankle
98547. Z89.41 Acquired absence of great toe
98548. Z89.411 Acquired absence of right great toe
98549. Z89.412 Acquired absence of left great toe
98550. Z89.419 Acquired absence of unspecified great toe
98551. Z89.42 Acquired absence of other toe(s)
98552. Z89.421 Acquired absence of other right toe(s)
98553. Z89.422 Acquired absence of other left toe(s)
98554. Z89.429 Acquired absence of other toe(s), unspecified side
98555. Z89.43 Acquired absence of foot
98556. Z89.431 Acquired absence of right foot
98557. Z89.432 Acquired absence of left foot
98558. Z89.439 Acquired absence of unspecified foot
98559. Z89.44 Acquired absence of ankle
98560. Z89.441 Acquired absence of right ankle
98561. Z89.442 Acquired absence of left ankle
98562. Z89.449 Acquired absence of unspecified ankle
98563. Z89.5 Acquired absence of leg below knee
98564. Z89.51 Acquired absence of leg below knee
98565. Z89.511 Acquired absence of right leg below knee
98566. Z89.512 Acquired absence of left leg below knee
98567. Z89.519 Acquired absence of unspecified leg below knee
98568. Z89.52 Acquired absence of knee
98569. Z89.521 Acquired absence of right knee
98570. Z89.522 Acquired absence of left knee
98571. Z89.529 Acquired absence of unspecified knee
98572. Z89.6 Acquired absence of leg above knee
98573. Z89.61 Acquired absence of leg above knee
98574. Z89.611 Acquired absence of right leg above knee
98575. Z89.612 Acquired absence of left leg above knee
98576. Z89.619 Acquired absence of unspecified leg above knee
98577. Z89.62 Acquired absence of hip
98578. Z89.621 Acquired absence of right hip joint
98579. Z89.622 Acquired absence of left hip joint
98580. Z89.629 Acquired absence of unspecified hip joint
98581. Z89.9 Acquired absence of limb, unspecified
98582. Z90 Acquired absence of organs, not elsewhere classified
98583. Z90.0 Acquired absence of part of head and neck
98584. Z90.01 Acquired absence of eye
98585. Z90.02 Acquired absence of larynx
98586. Z90.09 Acquired absence of other part of head and neck
98587. Z90.1 Acquired absence of breast and nipple
98588. Z90.10 Acquired absence of unspecified breast and nipple
98589. Z90.11 Acquired absence of right breast and nipple
98590. Z90.12 Acquired absence of left breast and nipple
98591. Z90.13 Acquired absence of bilateral breasts and nipples
98592. Z90.2 Acquired absence of lung [part of]
98593. Z90.3 Acquired absence of stomach [part of]
98594. Z90.4 Acquired absence of other specified parts of digestive tract
98595. Z90.41 Acquired absence of pancreas
98596. Z90.410 Acquired total absence of pancreas
98597. Z90.411 Acquired partial absence of pancreas
98598. Z90.49 Acquired absence of other specified parts of digestive tract
98599. Z90.5 Acquired absence of kidney
98600. Z90.6 Acquired absence of other parts of urinary tract
98601. Z90.7 Acquired absence of genital organ(s)
98602. Z90.71 Acquired absence of cervix and uterus
98603. Z90.710 Acquired absence of both cervix and uterus
98604. Z90.711 Acquired absence of uterus with remaining cervical stump
98605. Z90.712 Acquired absence of cervix with remaining uterus
98606. Z90.72 Acquired absence of ovaries
98607. Z90.721 Acquired absence of ovaries, unilateral
98608. Z90.722 Acquired absence of ovaries, bilateral
98609. Z90.79 Acquired absence of other genital organ(s)
98610. Z90.8 Acquired absence of other organs
98611. Z90.81 Acquired absence of spleen
98612. Z90.89 Acquired absence of other organs
98613. Z91 Personal risk factors, not elsewhere classified
98614. Z91.0 Allergy status, oth than to drugs and biological substances
98615. Z91.01 Food allergy status
98616. Z91.010 Allergy to peanuts
98617. Z91.011 Allergy to milk products
98618. Z91.012 Allergy to eggs
98619. Z91.013 Allergy to seafood
98620. Z91.014 Allergy to mammalian meats
98621. Z91.018 Allergy to other foods
98622. Z91.02 Food additives allergy status
98623. Z91.03 Insect allergy status
98624. Z91.030 Bee allergy status
98625. Z91.038 Other insect allergy status
98626. Z91.04 Nonmedicinal substance allergy status
98627. Z91.040 Latex allergy status
98628. Z91.041 Radiographic dye allergy status
98629. Z91.048 Other nonmedicinal substance allergy status
98630. Z91.09 Oth allergy status, oth than to drugs and biolg substances
98631. Z91.1 Patient's noncompliance with medical treatment and regimen
98632. Z91.11 Patient's noncompliance with dietary regimen
98633. Z91.12 Patient's intentional underdosing of medication regimen
98634. Z91.120 Pt intentl undrdose of meds regimen due to financl hardship
98635. Z91.128 Patient's intentl undrdose of meds regimen for oth reason
98636. Z91.13 Patient's unintentional underdosing of medication regimen
98637. Z91.130 Pt unintent undrdose of meds regimen due to age-rel debility
98638. Z91.138 Patient's unintent undrdose of meds regimen for oth reason
98639. Z91.14 Patient's other noncompliance with medication regimen
98640. Z91.15 Patient's noncompliance with renal dialysis
98641. Z91.19 Patient's noncompliance w oth medical treatment and regimen
98642. Z91.4 Personal history of psychological trauma, NEC
98643. Z91.41 Personal history of adult abuse
98644. Z91.410 Personal history of adult physical and sexual abuse
98645. Z91.411 Personal history of adult psychological abuse
98646. Z91.412 Personal history of adult neglect
98647. Z91.419 Personal history of unspecified adult abuse
98648. Z91.42 Personal history of forced labor or sexual exploitation
98649. Z91.49 Oth personal history of psychological trauma, NEC
98650. Z91.5 Personal history of self-harm
98651. Z91.51 Personal history of suicidal behavior
98652. Z91.52 Personal history of nonsuicidal self-harm
98653. Z91.8 Oth personal risk factors, not elsewhere classified
98654. Z91.81 History of falling
98655. Z91.82 Personal history of military deployment
98656. Z91.83 Wandering in diseases classified elsewhere
98657. Z91.841 Risk for dental caries, low
98658. Z91.842 Risk for dental caries, moderate
98659. Z91.843 Risk for dental caries, high
98660. Z91.849 Unspecified risk for dental caries
98661. Z91.89 Oth personal risk factors, not elsewhere classified
98662. Z92 Personal history of medical treatment
98663. Z92.0 Personal history of contraception
98664. Z92.2 Personal history of drug therapy
98665. Z92.21 Personal history of antineoplastic chemotherapy
98666. Z92.22 Personal history of monoclonal drug therapy
98667. Z92.23 Personal history of estrogen therapy
98668. Z92.24 Personal history of steroid therapy
98669. Z92.240 Personal history of inhaled steroid therapy
98670. Z92.241 Personal history of systemic steroid therapy
98671. Z92.25 Personal history of immunosupression therapy
98672. Z92.29 Personal history of other drug therapy
98673. Z92.3 Personal history of irradiation
98674. Z92.8 Personal history of other medical treatment
98675. Z92.81 Prsnl history of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
98676. Z92.82 S/p admn tPA in diff fac w/n last 24 hr bef adm to crnt fac
98677. Z92.83 Personal history of failed moderate sedation
98678. Z92.84 Pers hx of unintended awareness under general anesthesia
98679. Z92.850 Personal history of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy
98680. Z92.858 Personal history of other cellular therapy
98681. Z92.859 Personal history of cellular therapy unspecified
98682. Z92.86 Personal history of gene therapy
98683. Z92.89 Personal history of other medical treatment
98684. Z93 Artificial opening status
98685. Z93.0 Tracheostomy status
98686. Z93.1 Gastrostomy status
98687. Z93.2 Ileostomy status
98688. Z93.3 Colostomy status
98689. Z93.4 Other artificial openings of gastrointestinal tract status
98690. Z93.5 Cystostomy status
98691. Z93.50 Unspecified cystostomy status
98692. Z93.51 Cutaneous-vesicostomy status
98693. Z93.52 Appendico-vesicostomy status
98694. Z93.59 Other cystostomy status
98695. Z93.6 Other artificial openings of urinary tract status
98696. Z93.8 Other artificial opening status
98697. Z93.9 Artificial opening status, unspecified
98698. Z94 Transplanted organ and tissue status
98699. Z94.0 Kidney transplant status
98700. Z94.1 Heart transplant status
98701. Z94.2 Lung transplant status
98702. Z94.3 Heart and lungs transplant status
98703. Z94.4 Liver transplant status
98704. Z94.5 Skin transplant status
98705. Z94.6 Bone transplant status
98706. Z94.7 Corneal transplant status
98707. Z94.8 Other transplanted organ and tissue status
98708. Z94.81 Bone marrow transplant status
98709. Z94.82 Intestine transplant status
98710. Z94.83 Pancreas transplant status
98711. Z94.84 Stem cells transplant status
98712. Z94.89 Other transplanted organ and tissue status
98713. Z94.9 Transplanted organ and tissue status, unspecified
98714. Z95 Presence of cardiac and vascular implants and grafts
98715. Z95.0 Presence of cardiac pacemaker
98716. Z95.1 Presence of aortocoronary bypass graft
98717. Z95.2 Presence of prosthetic heart valve
98718. Z95.3 Presence of xenogenic heart valve
98719. Z95.4 Presence of other heart-valve replacement
98720. Z95.5 Presence of coronary angioplasty implant and graft
98721. Z95.8 Presence of other cardiac and vascular implants and grafts
98722. Z95.81 Presence of other cardiac implants and grafts
98723. Z95.810 Presence of automatic (implantable) cardiac defibrillator
98724. Z95.811 Presence of heart assist device
98725. Z95.812 Presence of fully implantable artificial heart
98726. Z95.818 Presence of other cardiac implants and grafts
98727. Z95.82 Presence of other vascular implants and grafts
98728. Z95.820 Peripheral vascular angioplasty status w implants and grafts
98729. Z95.828 Presence of other vascular implants and grafts
98730. Z95.9 Presence of cardiac and vascular implant and graft, unsp
98731. Z96 Presence of other functional implants
98732. Z96.0 Presence of urogenital implants
98733. Z96.1 Presence of intraocular lens
98734. Z96.2 Presence of otological and audiological implants
98735. Z96.20 Presence of otological and audiological implant, unspecified
98736. Z96.21 Cochlear implant status
98737. Z96.22 Myringotomy tube(s) status
98738. Z96.29 Presence of other otological and audiological implants
98739. Z96.3 Presence of artificial larynx
98740. Z96.4 Presence of endocrine implants
98741. Z96.41 Presence of insulin pump (external) (internal)
98742. Z96.49 Presence of other endocrine implants
98743. Z96.5 Presence of tooth-root and mandibular implants
98744. Z96.6 Presence of orthopedic joint implants
98745. Z96.60 Presence of unspecified orthopedic joint implant
98746. Z96.61 Presence of artificial shoulder joint
98747. Z96.611 Presence of right artificial shoulder joint
98748. Z96.612 Presence of left artificial shoulder joint
98749. Z96.619 Presence of unspecified artificial shoulder joint
98750. Z96.62 Presence of artificial elbow joint
98751. Z96.621 Presence of right artificial elbow joint
98752. Z96.622 Presence of left artificial elbow joint
98753. Z96.629 Presence of unspecified artificial elbow joint
98754. Z96.63 Presence of artificial wrist joint
98755. Z96.631 Presence of right artificial wrist joint
98756. Z96.632 Presence of left artificial wrist joint
98757. Z96.639 Presence of unspecified artificial wrist joint
98758. Z96.64 Presence of artificial hip joint
98759. Z96.641 Presence of right artificial hip joint
98760. Z96.642 Presence of left artificial hip joint
98761. Z96.643 Presence of artificial hip joint, bilateral
98762. Z96.649 Presence of unspecified artificial hip joint
98763. Z96.65 Presence of artificial knee joint
98764. Z96.651 Presence of right artificial knee joint
98765. Z96.652 Presence of left artificial knee joint
98766. Z96.653 Presence of artificial knee joint, bilateral
98767. Z96.659 Presence of unspecified artificial knee joint
98768. Z96.66 Presence of artificial ankle joint
98769. Z96.661 Presence of right artificial ankle joint
98770. Z96.662 Presence of left artificial ankle joint
98771. Z96.669 Presence of unspecified artificial ankle joint
98772. Z96.69 Presence of other orthopedic joint implants
98773. Z96.691 Finger-joint replacement of right hand
98774. Z96.692 Finger-joint replacement of left hand
98775. Z96.693 Finger-joint replacement, bilateral
98776. Z96.698 Presence of other orthopedic joint implants
98777. Z96.7 Presence of other bone and tendon implants
98778. Z96.8 Presence of other specified functional implants
98779. Z96.81 Presence of artificial skin
98780. Z96.82 Presence of neurostimulator
98781. Z96.89 Presence of other specified functional implants
98782. Z96.9 Presence of functional implant, unspecified
98783. Z97 Presence of other devices
98784. Z97.0 Presence of artificial eye
98785. Z97.1 Presence of artificial limb (complete) (partial)
98786. Z97.10 Presence of artificial limb (complete) (partial), unsp
98787. Z97.11 Presence of artificial right arm (complete) (partial)
98788. Z97.12 Presence of artificial left arm (complete) (partial)
98789. Z97.13 Presence of artificial right leg (complete) (partial)
98790. Z97.14 Presence of artificial left leg (complete) (partial)
98791. Z97.15 Presence of artificial arms, bilateral (complete) (partial)
98792. Z97.16 Presence of artificial legs, bilateral (complete) (partial)
98793. Z97.2 Presence of dental prosthetic device (complete) (partial)
98794. Z97.3 Presence of spectacles and contact lenses
98795. Z97.4 Presence of external hearing-aid
98796. Z97.5 Presence of (intrauterine) contraceptive device
98797. Z97.8 Presence of other specified devices
98798. Z98 Other postprocedural states
98799. Z98.0 Intestinal bypass and anastomosis status
98800. Z98.1 Arthrodesis status
98801. Z98.2 Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
98802. Z98.3 Post therapeutic collapse of lung status
98803. Z98.4 Cataract extraction status
98804. Z98.41 Cataract extraction status, right eye
98805. Z98.42 Cataract extraction status, left eye
98806. Z98.49 Cataract extraction status, unspecified eye
98807. Z98.5 Sterilization status
98808. Z98.51 Tubal ligation status
98809. Z98.52 Vasectomy status
98810. Z98.6 Angioplasty status
98811. Z98.61 Coronary angioplasty status
98812. Z98.62 Peripheral vascular angioplasty status
98813. Z98.8 Other specified postprocedural states
98814. Z98.81 Dental procedure status
98815. Z98.810 Dental sealant status
98816. Z98.811 Dental restoration status
98817. Z98.818 Other dental procedure status
98818. Z98.82 Breast implant status
98819. Z98.83 Filtering (vitreous) bleb after glaucoma surgery status
98820. Z98.84 Bariatric surgery status
98821. Z98.85 Transplanted organ removal status
98822. Z98.86 Personal history of breast implant removal
98823. Z98.87 Personal history of in utero procedure
98824. Z98.870 Personal history of in utero procedure during pregnancy
98825. Z98.871 Personal history of in utero procedure while a fetus
98826. Z98.89 Other specified postprocedural states
98827. Z98.890 Other specified postprocedural states
98828. Z98.891 History of uterine scar from previous surgery
98829. Z99 Dependence on enabling machines and devices, NEC
98830. Z99.0 Dependence on aspirator
98831. Z99.1 Dependence on respirator
98832. Z99.11 Dependence on respirator [ventilator] status
98833. Z99.12 Encounter for respirator dependence during power failure
98834. Z99.2 Dependence on renal dialysis
98835. Z99.3 Dependence on wheelchair
98836. Z99.8 Dependence on other enabling machines and devices
98837. Z99.81 Dependence on supplemental oxygen
98838. Z99.89 Dependence on other enabling machines and devices
Total Records: 98838

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